Understanding what your analytics data says is crucial for knowing what to change in your store. With our Google Analytics Data Mining service, we’ll explain in plain english what the current state of your ecommerce store is. Then I’ll advise you the exact next steps you need to take to increase your revenue.
Once you purchase you’ll get an email with instructions how to add me to your Google Analytics property with the right privileges. Then I’ll start analyzing your data.
During the last several years we have been approached by many businesses asking what they can do to increase conversions. This gives us insight to many analytics dashboards for businesses and has helped us understand what works and what does not to get your side visitors to make a purchase.
What we find surprises store owners every time.
The insights from the analysis always show areas of unexpected opportunity for improvement, often with far greater potential impact on the revenue compared with the work they’ve initially requested from us.
So, before we jump into action, we’d like to offer you something way more valuable than speed optimization.
Let me show you where you are leaving money on the table with your ecommerce store.
We call that service “Data Translation”. The insights from it can then help you decide what makes the most sense for you to tackle next to increase your store’s revenue and profits.
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